October 7, 2008


I met my endocrinologist yesterday and she kindly refrained from sticking a needle in my neck just yet. I guess she felt like that was a bit forward for a first date, so it's been planned for our second date next Tuesday, Oct 14. The information I walked away with is this: she does not think my pms/hormonal swings are a result of the nodules in my thyroid, they're probably a result of progesterone swings (a.k.a. pre-menopausal) and she started me on a therapy for that; the nodules in my thyroid are certainly "misbehavin'" and should be removed, cancer or no cancer. If they are malignant (95% of nodules are not), get them out immediately of course, but if they're not, might we wait until after Germany to do the deed? So as my FIL so eloquently says each time his bloodwork comes back negative "I'm cancer-free for another 90 days" or in my case, another 14 at least!

Ben on his 6th birthday.

Ben's first day of kindergarten.

I'm feeling the scrapbooking goodness coming on and just found out I'm free this weekend. Anyone up for a crop?


Mark said...

Croppin' hunh? Wouldn't you rather help split that big pile of wood with the hubby? He is kinda cute and oh does he treat you right!

Wendy said...

first let me say mark's note is totally ADORABLE...then let me ask: when would you want to crop? That would be fun...I'd be up for morning on Friday or Sunday...let me know! --Wendy

Kristi O said...

Glad to hear that you haven't met the needle yet. I am getting the impression from this Doc she is a good one. Hang tight! I hope it goes well. Love ya! -Kristi