November 12, 2008

Extraordinarily Ordinary

Macaroni and cheese for lunch with a friend.

A little hunting.

A little raking.

A little holiday prep.

A little wishing. I'm not a gadget girl and I have resisted all cutting systems that have come before, but I've got my eye on this baby. I got to play with one this morning and YES!

Sometimes it's just nice to notice the everyday things that are so extraordinarily ordinary!


Mark said...

Get cancer, Get a cutting system,, I think that is a universal truth.

Shawna said...

Playing the cancer should be ashamed ;)

Can't wait to see your book tomorrow!

humanluge said...

Love the hunting pic.with the croguet court in the background.i miss your place so nice to walk out the door and have and adventure in every sad to hear we will miss you for thanksgiving.hugs for all. timmy or as kris so delicately put it luge boy.