This year it should say "Caution Bad Football From Here to Ocean"
I am so not a football fan, but ya gotta admit this has been an especially bad year for the Washington teams. This post is for Timmy the human luge,, who cares more about this than we do, yet still hasn't paid his debt from his last Apple Cup wager. We do have pics we can share luge boy if you don't wanna pay up.
We know you appreciate the importance of the Apple Cup game for both teams to gain some grain of gratification from their pretty awful seasons. The only good news for us Cougs is that we are only in year 1 of rebuilding,, the Huskies are in year 4, right? And at least we aren’t the only division 1 team w/o a win. That would really suck. But I’m sure all 119 other teams had easier schedules than the Huskies. Salt in the wounds?? Sorry for the sucker punch,, I’m feeling frisky. The only team we beat was Portland High school , and that cost us two quarterbacks.
So ya wanna wager which sucky team will suck less? It might be the only competitive game of the year!
Yes a vey dismall season.but in the end we will be tied for the toilet bowl .hate to say it cougs but we will get our one and only win against you .the only thing good about this season is that it is almost over.they must really must still be fighting indians clear up thar in warshington cause sure damn cant play football from the ocean to the palouse.and by the way i never welch on a bet i will see you and your shoulders in about 19 days.and just to let you know your post is mild compared to being a winless huskie in suckville opps i mean suckville opps did it again duckville. see ya soon your in my thoughts and prayers .timmy lugeman any snow in the forcast
you might want to send those pics to field and stream i hear they are giving up a million bucs for any proof that big foot does exist.but you have to split it with me and the bean. love ya bribary will get you eveywhere
oh by the way that pic is awesome.did you guys take that or was that off the could sell it to seattle pi or even espn.ha see ya
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