November 19, 2008


Things are going pretty slow. Kristi just got wheeled away and we got at least 2hrs to wait. She watched a river runs through it while I got to eat. She was a bit hungry, thirsty and smoke deprived but still laughing. Thought I would share the Before picture of my sweet gals lovely neck. I don't suppose I'll be chewing on it any time soon.

UPDATE: Surgeon said it was an easy one to get out. Lymph nodes looked great so he left them behind.
UPDATE: She is trying to sleep, but they gotta keep bugging her. Nausea as usual. Once she metabolizes all the crap in her system, maybe she can keep something down. Thanks for stopping by Tammy! You got her to sit up and be human again. Thank you WiFi for something to do!


Karen Tews Lien said...

Great news on those lymph nodes!

Wendy said...

Glad to hear that things went well.

humanluge said...

whenever i need to leave it all behind or feel the need to get away i find a quite place far from the human race out in the country.a little three dog night my favorite song i thought i would share with you kris.get lots of rest and speedy recovery we were so happy to hear things went well.hugs to all timmy

Malinda said...

I am so glad that it went well. Now you have some battle scars, gives you character, that is what everyone tells Dallen anyway. I hope you will be better soon and get nothing but good news from your doctor!